It came from #predicate
July 31, 2006
mule: I predict I will only be making a fraction of my normal puns Osomatic: You'll be making fractional puns? Osomatic: Or is it that only 10% of them will make us laugh... or put another way, that only one pun in ten did? electroboy: was that a pun? electroboy: oh right, one pun in ten did. Osomatic: Perhaps his puns will be taking the fifth. * scottydont pokes Osomatic in the eye electroboy: did someone secretly replace oso's corn flakes with groucho marx's ashes? Osomatic: Half mercy on me! Osomatic: nyuk nyuk nyuk. Osomatic: Okay, I'll stop. mule: Osomatic: please stop. I just eighth.